Smart Lighting

Personalised Lighting

Bespoke lighting solutions for any home - Transforming how homes are presented and displayed whilst offering unique controls to suit your routine.

Setting the perfect ambience

Utilising smart RGBW lights for any occasion gives you the freedom of choosing any colour lighting and further gives you the ability to integrate with the sensors to activate automatic solutions. Now you have the control of changing the atmosphere instantly in your home by delivering the matching ambience to each and every occasion.

Swift lighting control

Making use of easily accessible tailor-made control points such as smart switches; voice command; and multi-device apps permit you to choose your own preferences in colour, timing and duration. Motion sensors can be chosen to implement your specified level of lighting autonomously dependent on room conditions.

Luxury Mornings

Create the perfect start to your mornings by awakening through progressively illuminating lighting to help you in the morning. Enjoy personalised lighting systems that are configured to your schedule and requests, including the ability to transform every moment of your day with custom sensors. 

Energy efficient Saving is a must 

Each system comes built with energy efficiency solutions so more electronic technology does not mean sharp increases in energy bills. Our perfect configuration of motion sensors, “All Off” switches, smart switches, voice control and many more integrated components work to ensure your devices and home are as efficient as possible without compromising on your smart home experience.

Security Lighting

Not just to function as a standard lighting but offering extensive support to creating a protected home through drawing attention to your property and highlight any problems.

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